Night Oscar is an E-Card website that allows you to send cards to all your loved ones. Many other eCard sites are very complicated to use and cluttered with adverts. At Night Oscar we aim to make the experience more user friendly and less ad intrusive.
Night Oscar is an in-house project at The Coding hub for eCards. The first release of the website came out this month. Android mobile application version is coming out in the near future.

The night owl Oscar is very friendly and keen to send your eCards. We want to make sure that ease of use if a priority for the Night Oscar by allowing used to quickly send eCards via the site and mobile application. Our designs are custom made in house and any suggestions are greatly welcome. You can always reach a member of the team on social media or our support emails.
You can find your perfect eCard on the website or mobile application. For the website please visit For more internal project please visit our products page.